Thursday, June 2, 2011

period seven final: reflection

for this image, I wanted to capture reflection. This is my concept, with a bit of an underlying message, as the audience can infer for themselves, what is going on between the two models. This is one of my favorite spots in San Diego, and for my final image, I wanted it to be meaningful, as most of my images are. I love the colors in this and how the water is like a mirror, capturing everything just as I am capturing it.

period four final: sunsets

My concept for this photo is sunset. Here in San Diego, we have the most gorgeous sunsets. It's something I am really going to miss, and will always cherish no matter where I end up. In these photos I tired to capture sunsets, and the admiration I have for them by capturing an onlooker gazing into it.  I only edited it a bit, as I wanted the true essence of the scenery to be apparent. For the bottom image, I sort of took it on accident, but really loved the way it turned out. There's a sail boat on the setting horizon and the model's pose is not really a pose at all. I just like how comfotable it looks, because that is the exact way I feel. I can tell you how to get to just about any beach and when I lived there, I would always be the first on the boardwalk to watch it. I have so many good memories in these places and I wanted these pictures to embody that, which I feel they did.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

(senior ex theme #2) four

#1) I incorporated an animal and it's environment, trying to find colors that would really make the image pop. The light is natural and camera angle focused, to showcase detail and color. 
#2) My focus in this is to bring things together, similar to my senior exhibition theme but involving different things and using less strips of images to put together, as well as match colors an tones to bring a new perspective and intensify the color. 

(senior ex theme #2) three

#1) I incorporated an animal and it's environment, trying to find colors that would really make the image pop. The light is natural and camera angle focused, to showcase detail and color. 
#2) My focus in this is to bring things together, similar to my senior exhibition theme but involving different things and using less strips of images to put together, as well as match colors an tones to bring a new perspective and intensify the colors of two very beautiful things.

(senior ex theme #2) two

#1) I incorporated an animal and it's environment as well as finding something in the area that matches the tone of the animal. Emphasizing the warm tone of the horse with the golden stream. The light is natural, creating shadows and reflection. Both go together well and are angled differently to give a new view to the audience.
#2) My focus in this is to bring things together, similar to my senior exhibition theme but involving different things and using less strips of images to put together, as well as match colors an tones to bring a new perspective and intensify the colors of two very beautiful things.

(senior ex theme #2) one

#1) I thought maybe I could incorporate animals in their environment. This horse was adorable and the tree growing in it's coral was magnificent. I thought both were beautiful and wanted to put them together. The colors are vibrant and textures differ as well as composition and camera angle, giving the audience a different view. 
#2) My focus in this is to bring things together, similar to my senior exhibition theme but involving different things and using less strips of images to put together.